Huwebes, Oktubre 24, 2013

Blogpost 2: Attractiveness

Physical attractiveness is a factor on "Crush" but what most people don't know is that physical attraction itself can be alerted based upon the person's perception.
Thus we find people physically attractive even if they were average looking if we found out that they can help us fulfill our emotional needs.
This means that while there are universal standards for attractiveness imposed on us by globalization still attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder to a great extent.

As I was browsing in the internet, expounding my topic "Crush" because definitely the greatest factor in such feeling is physical attraction. I found a article namely "Physical Attraction: What Do Men Notice First In A Woman?" written by "Briana Booker" in the website "examiner". 

According to the articlcle the first thing that men are attracted to a woman is of course their physical appearance. Men usually notice the Hair, Clothes and legs of a woman. If a woman has a great style of Hair, dresses up so nice and have a long legs they find it so attractive and sexy. As if, that woman has a perfect features. But when it comes to men finding a woman who can be their partner as girlfriend or can be their wife, Men prefer to have women who have a big respect on herself, A women who treats herself like a princess, A women who loves herself more than anyone in this world and a women who is true to herself.

There are men who say that, “Once that Hair, Clothes and legs of a woman is there, it’s all down to personality.” But whatever men notice about the physical appearance of a woman, the important thing is women should establish their self of being who they really are and don’t listen to what other people say or think about them. Just be yourself and live your life according to what you really want and what makes you happy.

Another article namely "Physical attraction psychology" written by Farouk Radwan in the website "2knowmyself". The article quickly caught my attention because it was something I was aware of about the topic. The psycology is the major aspect of the topic "Crush" for every one.

Before we talk about the main topic of this article, let me give you the meaning of physical attractiveness and what is the difference of Physical attractiveness to Physical Attraction. According to Michael Cunningham, Physical Attractiveness involves the judgment that a person's overt appearance is cute, beautiful, handsome, sexy, nice, fashionable, or desirable while Physical Attraction, it is a desire for sexual intimacy. Now we know the difference of it we can move on to the main topic.

It is stated that there are few Physical Attractiveness explained in Psychology and these are most people consider attractive. First is Symmetry. Your face doesn’t have to be perfectly symmetrical for it to be attractive but most people say that the more symmetrical your face is the more attractive you are in the eyes of other people. Second is Waist to hip ratio, Men become more attracted to women with low waist to hip ratio maybe because they find it sexy to a woman. 

Next is Health. People are considered much more attractive when they are healthy or they have a healthy lifestyle because a healthy person looks better than sick ones. Next, Feminine facial features over other women because men find it to have a beautiful and handsome children that they could have when they marry a woman who have a feminine facial features. Next well built, this is not necessary preferring to a body builder. Women prefer men who have a wider shoulders and narrow waists with minimal belly fats then the Jaws and cheek bones. For women, they prefer to have men who have a bigger jaws and more prominent cheek bones because they find it to a more masculine look to the man.

Well, Even though the previous points are well known in the rules of attraction psychology still you will find many people dating others who don't have many of these features.
This doesn't mean that the previous points are wrong but it only means that there are many factors that affect the overall attractiveness of a person other than the ones mentioned.

People are attracted to physically beautiful people. What is perceived as attractive differs among cultures. Characteristics of the person being observed, as well as the observer, also play a role in attractiveness. 

For instance, when a person is liked more, this person is seen as more physically attractive. We like to be around attractive people because of the esthetic pleasure we obtain, and because interactions with attractive people are generally positive and pleasant. 

The common stereotype of attractive people is that they are warm, friendly, and social. This stereotype becomes self-fulfilling when people act differently around attractive people because of their expectations, which as a result brings out the best in attractive people.

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