Sabado, Oktubre 26, 2013

Blogpost 3: Psycho-attractive

Each person has a certain way of assessing the attractiveness of others. This way is usually developed as a result of the experiences a person goes through in his life. If a person was raised without being cared for that much then there is a big possibility that he will be more attracted to kind and nurturing people.
Contrary to common beliefs your level of attractiveness is not constant but it keeps changing continuously based on your actions, behavior and thoughts. Research has shown that both men and women can change their perception of someone's attractiveness without any changes happening to his physical looks if few small things that count were changed.

I found a artcle entitled "How the brain reacts to attractiveness" by Nancy Etcoff in the website "intro2psych.wordpress." I was very curious in the topic because I had the opportunity to read if how the brain reacts to attractiveness. It interested me to find what the author meant in his title.

According to the article, when we are attracted to someone, the reward centers of our brain is on fire. Its means that a person might become addicted to the beauty of the person that they are attracted to. It can lead a person to be in love with the attractive person. Nancy also said that our brains can easily differentiate the levels of attractiveness that a person see when they are attracted. 

According to John Buri, we have a powerful wave of neurotransmitters that sent our way as our initial attraction to the person that we are attracted to. Our brain can create a different rewards like epinephrine, dopamine, phenyl ethylamine and endorphins. Studies shows that attractive people are more successful in life than those who are not. Our brain seems to suggest that the beauty of a person is important enough to receive a chemical stimulus that can help us to motivate ourselves. In addition, human beings wants to see attractive people in their daily lives to inspire them or to be in love with someone. Being attracted to the beauty of other people is like becoming addicted to drugs.

This blog post on how a person and their brain perceives.This experiment proved that men who believe a woman to be more attractive will think she is more friendly as well, mostly due to how friendly the men act towards her in the first place. I think this blog post as well as the experiment prove how unfair it is for people who are found “un-attractive” in our society because they will be perceived not only seem less attractive than their competitors but not as kind and personable too. 

The article said that attraction is the same as addiction in drugs. Yes, indeed. You are not attracted to the drugs when you're only seeing it but you're attracted to it when you have tasted it and felt it. The same with attraction to people, you are not attracted to the person by just seeing her but when you felt her beauty as a person. When you take drugs, it increases the release of dopamine and when you're attracted, it increases the level of happiness you feel inside. That's why when you're attracted to someone, you start to like them because you don't want the happiness to disappear.

Another article that I've found is entitled "Attractiveness perception psychology" by Farouk Radwan in the website 2knowmyself.

The article talks about the different perception of attractiveness according to psychology. First is the ease of processing, It was founded that people find faces which are easier to process by their brains more attractive. Second is Familiarity and attractiveness. People get more attracted to faces they are familiar with. This means that complete strangers might find you less attractive then your acquaintances. Next is Similarity and attractiveness People might become attracted to those who have facial features that are similar to them, to one of their parents or to a person they loved before. Next, Non physical traits that affects attractiveness, Psychologists found that non physical traits such as courage , sense of humor or self confidence greatly affect the perception of attractiveness. Next is culture and the perception of attractiveness, In some cultures ,that are to a certain extent isolated from the western definition of beauty, fat women are considered much more attractive than slim women. So your perception of attractiveness is also affected by your culture to a certain extent. And lasty, attention, Some people have been brought up in such a way that they need more attention than others. Those people are very likely to get attracted to those who have features that are rare among their culture.

It is also stated that the perception of attractiveness is not stable and it changes from one person to another. Even for the same person new factors might happen that affect his own perception of attractiveness and so forces him to change his opinion about the attractiveness of others

In my opinion, being beautiful is attractive. But, do people really are attracted to the physical beauty of a person? I don't really know. Some people are easily attracted to those people who are gorgeous or photogenic like that and becoming infatuated eventually while other people who has values and standards are not easily attracted for a reason that they are finding factors for them to be attracted. Attraction is not just being beautiful but heart-fulfilling. For example, I have a friend who's not that pretty but very fun to be with. I'm really attracted to her because when I see her smile, hear her laugh and feel her presence, I feel something coming out from my brain going to my heart that makes me really happy. I'm not attracted to her because she's beautiful, but she's happy to be with. So we can say that it is not beauty that makes a person attractive but her presence as a beautiful person. Do you get the point? What makes the stimulation in your brain is not what you see but what you feel and the feeling af attractiveness is not constant.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Maybe this phrase should be changed to, “Beauty is in the brain of the beholder.” I  believe that people pick and choose beauty based on cultural and societal definitions of attractiveness. It makes sense that your brain fires more when seeing an attractive person.  From a scientific point of view, it’s interesting that our brains are actually hard-wired to react to beauty. 

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